Some thoughts,

I do all scaling manually. First, I write all (non-animated) programming for 600 pixel width and 1024 pixel height, hard-coded. Then I define a variable screenRatio:

if(mx.core.FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.aspectRatio == "portrait")
   screenRatio = (this.width)/600;
   screenRatio = (this.width)/1010;

Most (non-animated) components are then scaled in the init() function, as in component.scaleX = screenRatio, and component.scaleY=screenRatio. This automatically takes care of some fontScaling as well.

I set up an event handler in the init() section:


The function shiftTheFrame contains

if(mx.core.FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.aspectRatio == "portrait")
   here I adjust component width and height for portrait view
   here I adjust component width and height for landscape view

This allows the device to be rotated. paddingTop for a TextArea and other parameters may need to be scaled as well and can be altered in a rotation. It can be easier to scale something like a button by scaling the label; this is done with code such as:

helpButton.setStyle("fontSize",new String(26*screenRatio));

Placement of scaled sections is best left to MXML, meaning that the components are defined using MXML and not dynamically by ActionScript.

Animations work faster in components that are not scaled. I thus place animations in segments defined by
component.height = this.height
component.width = this.width
or width=100% if defined in MXML.

These various corrections are placed not only in init() but inside shiftTheFrame as well, so that the component sizes are properly adjusted as the device is rotated. Sometimes it is easier to develop separate presentations for portrait and landscape view and then to adjust visibility in shiftTheFrame (component.visible=false or component.visible=true as required). Alternatively, components can be removed or added to other components as necessary (as long as they don't contains html; the coding will not fully survive a move).

Scaled and unscaled (animated) components are placed into the same page; that can be a bit tricky because MXML can no longer do this for you. For instance, one might define one component's position absolutely in relation to the x- or y-coordinate of some named aspect of another (the tricky part is that this does not always reflect the scaling). Also, you have to be a bit cautious with height; give it a bit of leeway because of differing aspect ratios.

A page with text that needs to be read must have options to alter the font size - some people like the text larger and others appreciate it smaller. I do that by placed html in the text such as <font size='25'>. I then do a global search and replace for this text and replace the number with something else (eg 32), depending on how the size has been altered. I store the value in the persistence manager so that it is used and a replacement automatically made the next time the app is launched. This allows me to leave a TextArea unscaled; the adjustment for fontSize for various device screen densities is folded into the initial one-time sizing of the text as a preference.

I might add that I handle all persistence issues manually view by view and use persistence only in views or components that require it. Everything in one view is cleaned up manually before transiting to the next view. This creates a snappy and highly stable app even with something that finally becomes rather complex and even in some really old hardware.

I've generated an app (600 English lessons with integrated animated exercises backed by multiple hours of either on-device or on-demand audio presenting text with over 3500 new vocabulary words) using these techniques that scales seamlessly and automatically (same identical apk file) from 480 X 300 all the way up to 2560 X 1600. It's just as fast with scaling as it would be if there were no scaling (since any sections that require animations remain unscaled; TextArea segments remain unscaled and thus continue to scroll smoothly and easily).


From: "Deepak MS" <>
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 1:29 PM
To: <>
Subject: runtimeDPIProvider in mx:Application?

Just like retina display ipads, off late, there have been laptops with
higher DPIs. And we have some of our flex 3 applications in which all the
components look too small in overall size on screen in new laptops
(something like the screenshots shown here in this link: )

We can achieve it in flex 4 :

But I want to know if there is anything I can try to achieve it in flex 3
we applications, as it doesn't have "runtimeDPIProvider" property.

Appreciate your help.


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