Hi guys!

So, I have an atypical scenario:

- We have a same codebase to generate 2 different versions of the same
product: a "basic" version and a "professional" version. What determinate
how the final product will behave are some compiler arguments passed during
the build phase to FlexMojos.

So, I've configured my maven project to build the product using the Maven
Profiles, and I'm able to run two commands:
- mvn clean install ..... -Pbasic
and this generates a "basic version" like this: app-name-1.0.0.swf

In other hand, I can run:
- mvn clean install ..... -Pprofessional
and this generates a "professional version" like this: app-name-1.0.0.swf

Note that, at end, I get different products of the same number version and
finalName (obviously, in dev-mode you are working only with one version and
if you run these two commands in sequence, the build result of the last one
will override the first).

However, to dispatch a formal release, I'm thinking *how to get the two
different built products* *in one step/run command*. According the Maven
docs, I could activate many profiles  in "one shot" like this:
- mvn clean install ... -Pbasic,professional

But when I ran this command, and seeing the logs, just the last profile is
executed, and at end I get only one build created.

I would like be able to compile the project in one command and, at end, get
final builds like this:
- app-name-1.0.0-basic.swf
- app-name-1.0.0-professional.swf

I've tried a mix of profiles... tried include many <executions>, alter the
<finalName> passing an variable for "basic" or "professional" be
concatenated, tried use the <classifiers> but... not success.

So, anyone have an idea about how I could do that?
In few words, Can I run two "build phase" passing different arguments for
each build in one maven execution/shot?

Thank you.


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