Hi There,
I have been doing Flash Remoting with ColdFusion since ColdFusion 6 & Flash version 6 or was it version 7. ColdFusion always had Flash Remoting available to it, and ColdFusion even starting having a strong integration with Flash. I am still using this today, but I don't know what is going on, as the new version of ColdFision2016 deprecated all the Flash aspects. I am afraid that the new version of ColdFusion will throw away the ease of connecting to Flash, which is a real shame. Flash Remoting is awesome!


Lou <mailto:lh.fx...@gmail.com>
April 16, 2016 at 6:34 PM
What's the current status of the AMF libs? Are Flex devs abandoning them in favor of more generic options like web services? Granite's website isn't working correctly and I noticed that Apache doesn't do convenience binaries for Blaze (is it due to infrequent use?) BlazeDS Spring integration docs I see are very old (2011). Have people moved on? Are the GraniteDS guys MIA?

Given the performance advantages it'd be a shame if AMF were forgotten entirely, although I understand it doesn't help FlexJS and may also be falling out of favor simply for more generic standards based approaches.

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