On 7/25/16, 5:42 PM, "xenia1234" <mw...@healthpi.com.au> wrote:

>Hey Guys,
>I am working on converting an existing flex project to flexjs. I am using
>the latest sdk0.6.0. The problem I am facing right now is how to create
>custom component popup through the popupmanager. it seems like there were
>equivalent in the sdk. any suggestion?

Correct.  There is no PopUpManager because in theory a PopUpManager is
really only needed when there are more than one popup visible at the same
time, like a floating spell checker or find/replace dialog and then some
other dialog has to popup.  So far none of our examples have needed it.
If you need it, we can put one together.

Instead, displaying a PopUp is as simple as calling addElement on the main
view if you have a reference to it.  If you don't have a reference to the
view, you can find a suitable parent via UIUtils.findPopUpHost.


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