If I have to I will attempt to create a code example, but wanted to be sure
first if anyone has run into this before.

I have a List, ListA, ListA has useVirtualLayout set to false.

ListA contains another List, ListB that uses a TileLayout.

I am setting ListA's height manually using the following formulate:

ListA.height = ListB.y + (tileLayout.rowHeight + tileLayout.verticalGap) *

This works for every single renderer in ListA except for one. And I can't
figure out why. The problem is that for one renderer, the TileLayout for
this one particular item, SAYS that the rowCount is 13 and the height is
getting set correctly based on my formula, but not all of the items that
should be visible are actually visible. Only the first 7 of that 13
rowCount is visible.

Has anyone run into this before and know of a possible way to fix it? One
solution I found said to set the List's layout to null and reset it to the
same TileLayout, but that didn't work for me.

I didn't want to write up an example if I can help it since I"m not
positive what is breaking it and it's a big project that I'd have to do a
bit of setup in a test project and who knows if I would even get the same
results! Just looking for ideas to look into for now.

Kyle McKnight
Senior UI Engineer - Accesso
602.515.1444 (M)

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