I have a Flex/AIR application using flex 4.15 and AIR 20.

I'm using IntelliJ to build the project.

I have a run configuration that uses the "flash app" configuration.

My application starts up a java service and an executable.

The executable that is started has a relative path coded inside of it that
should lead to a file within some folders that are in the same directory as
the executable.

If I run adl from the commandline in the directory I want as the runtime
working directory then it works fine.

If I start the application using Intellij, then Intellij runs this command

-Dapplication.home=<path_to_flex/air_home> -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
-Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=en -Xmx512m
-classpath <path_to_flex/air_home>/lib/fdb.jar
flex.tools.debugger.cli.DebugCLI -ide

And then runes the adl command
<path_to_adl>\adl.exe -profile extendedDesktop <path_to_app_xml>

THe problem with this is that then the relative directory that the
executable my app starts up is located at

So the executable can't find the needed file.

The only way I have found around this is to use the flash remote debugger
run configuration, have that configuration run another configuration that
calls a bat file for me first; the bat file changes directory to the
correct directory and then runes the adl command itself, and this
configuration builds first.

So the order there is build->call runapp.bat (which runs the adl
command)->start REMOTE debugger. But obviously this stinks to have to do.

So my options are to pass in the path from my app to the executable i'm
starting, or to figure out how to manipulate intellij.

Anyone run into this or know how I might fix it?

Kyle McKnight
Senior UI Engineer - Accesso
602.515.1444 (M)

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