I found this post, but changing the skin causes a different problem.


Changing the skinClass to spark.skins.mobile.TextInputSkin causes the input 
cursor to show up a good 80px to the right and when I start entering text, it 
shows up in prompt text gray color. There is something seriously wrong with 
that skin, at least when it's used in a mobile application.

And, it doesn't solve the problem. The text still appears in front of the popup 
though it's now gray.

If using this skin actually solved the z-order problem, I could create a custom 
skin and fix the display problems I just mentioned, but it doesn't so I won't.

Thanks for your ideas.


> On May 3, 2017, at 3:11 PM, Erik J. Thomas <e...@linqto.com> wrote:
> Hey all:
> When I popup an Alert dialog that covers a TextInput control (TextInput uses 
> the StageText implementation from mobile theme), the text shows as having a 
> higher Z-Order than the popup Alert dialog:
> <IMG_0101.PNG>
> Any ideas how I might work around this? I don't want to set the TextInput 
> controls to invisible if I can find a better solution.
> Thanks!
> Erik

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