
I will prepare today console command for and we will se whether you can
build it through that. In the mean time I encourage you to try Moonshine
which guide you step by step with the setup.


On Fri, Sep 8, 2017, 08:01 doug777 <> wrote:

> If I open your project and then adjust the sdk paths then build I get the
> same error in my off-list email.
> I repeat the trace here.
> Information:[MySite]: Starting Flex compiler:
> "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2.3\jre64\bin\java.exe"
> -Dapplication.home=C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
> -Djava.awt.headless=true -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=en -Xmx512m
> -classpath "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA
> 2017.2.3\plugins\flex\lib\idea-flex-compiler-fix.jar;C:\Program
> Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA
> 2017.2.3\plugins\flex\lib\flex-compiler.jar;C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\lib\flex-compiler-oem.jar"
> com.intellij.flex.compiler.FlexCompiler 52838
> Information:[MySite]: mxmlc
> -load-config=C:\Users\Doug\.IntelliJIdea2017.2\system\compile-server\mysite_e8d3b3ca\_temp_\IntelliJ_IDEA\idea-79EF1DF0-2F7BBC26.xml
> -load-config+=C:/FlexJSSDKs/0.9.0/ide/IDEA/intellij-config.xml
> -targets=JSFlex,SWF
> -external-library-path+=C:/FlexJSSDKs/0.9.0/js/libs/js.swc
> -allow-subclass-overrides=true
> Information:[MySite]: Compilation failed
> Information:08/09/2017 13:58 - Compilation completed with 2 errors and 17
> warnings in 3s 988ms
> Error:[MySite]: : Unexpected exception 'java.lang.NullPointerException'.
> C:\FlexJSProjects\MySite\MySite\src\MySite.mxml
> Error:(5, 12) [MySite]: This tag could not be resolved to an ActionScript
> class. It will be ignored.
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IApplicationView
> depended on by org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition
> org.apache.flex.core.IInitialViewApplication depended on by
> org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IStrand depended on
> by
> org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IBead depended on by
> org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IValuesImpl depended
> on by org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition
> depended on by org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IChild depended on by
> org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.utils.MXMLDataInterpreter
> depended on by org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.ValuesManager
> depended
> on by org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition depended on
> by
> org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IParent depended on
> by
> org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IPopUpHost depended
> on
> by org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IRenderedObject
> depended on by org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IUIBase depended on
> by
> org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.ILayoutChild depended
> on by org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition
> depended on by
> org.apache.flex.core.Application in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> Warning:[MySite]: The definition org.apache.flex.core.IFlexInfo depended on
> by org.apache.flex.core.ApplicationBase in the SWC
> C:\FlexJSSDKs\0.9.0\frameworks\libs\Basic.swc could not be found
> --
> Sent from:

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