Hi Doug,

Looks like we could use better error reporting in that code.  Please try
setting a breakpoint in AMFNetConnection.js where it sees that readyState
=== 4 and see what the xhr.status is.  It appears that you are not getting
a 200 status code.

I don't think this code currently handles redirects.


On 9/19/17, 9:08 PM, "doug777" <doug777...@gmail.com> wrote:

>OK fixed the browser issue.
><js:RemoteObject id="roSTime" destination="ColdFusion"
>result="roCheckTestResultHandler(event)" fault="roFaultHandler(event)"/>
>destination fault handler Object { code: -1005, message: "Invalid
>response.", detail: "", data: null }  Language.js:238:7
>Sent from: 

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