Nice going!


On Oct 12, 2017, at 4:12 PM, bilbosax <> wrote:

I initially tried Erik's solution to use a contentCache with queueing
enabled, and set maxActiveRequests to 3, but I still got the same results -
one of the first three images was always the last to render.  So I finally
took a more neanderthal approach and have two url ArrayCollections.  The
first just has the first three image url's, and the second has the the
entire list of url's.  I set the dataprovider for the list to to the first
ArrayCollection, and when updateComplete fires, I set the dataprovider to
the second ArrayCollection.  The whole time I use a contentCache, so all the
the images are available to my application for other uses.  So now the first
three images load quickly, and by the time I start scrolling, all of the
other images are ready to go. Thanks for the suggestions guys!!

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