Hi everyone,

sorry for resending this, but I still have the same issue.
Is there another mailing list or online community you could recommend that
might have an answer to this question? Or is there a way to improve my
question to make it easier to help?


On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 9:22 AM Michael Schwarz <
michael.schwar...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I encountered a really strange behavior with Flex and already tried
> StackOverflow and Reddit, but didn't get any reponse, so I'm trying here
> again:
> I have the following scenario: I am using a MessageChannel to communicate
> with a background worker in a flex application. Since the code is to
> eventually be transformed into a library, it should also be able to handle
> malformed input (e.g. sending classes via the channel for which no class
> alias is registered in the background worker). In this case I want to abort
> the worker. My code is the following:
> package{
>     import flash.display.Sprite;
>     import flash.events.Event;
>     import flash.system.MessageChannel;
>     import flash.system.Worker;
>     public class BW extends Sprite
>     {
>         /** Incoming channel */
>         private var fromCoordinatorChannel:MessageChannel;
>         /** Outgoing channel */
>         private var toCoordinatorChannel:MessageChannel;
>         public function BW()
>         {
>             super();
>             initChannels();
>         }
>         /**
>          * Get channels from shared property and attach event listener
>          */
>         private function initChannels():void {
>             // Get channnels from shared property
>             fromCoordinatorChannel = 
> Worker.current.getSharedProperty("toWorkerChannel");
>             toCoordinatorChannel = 
> Worker.current.getSharedProperty("fromWorkerChannel");
>             // Attach event listener for incoming messages
>             fromCoordinatorChannel.addEventListener(Event.CHANNEL_MESSAGE, 
> onIncomingMessage);
>         }
>         /**
>          * Event handler for incoming messages on the channel.
>          * @param event Event that came in
>          */
>         private function onIncomingMessage(event:Event):void {
>             handleIncoming();
>         }
>         /**
>          * Get oldest message from channel and handle it
>          */
>         private function handleIncoming():void {
>             if(fromCoordinatorChannel.messageAvailable) {
>                 try {
>                     var wm:Object = fromCoordinatorChannel.receive(true);
>                 } catch(e:Error) {
>                     fromCoordinatorChannel.close();
>                     trace("Invalid type of package sent - could not be 
> deserialized.");
>                     // Kill myself
>                     fromCoordinatorChannel = null;
>                     toCoordinatorChannel = null;
>                     Worker.current.setSharedProperty("toWorkerChannel", null);
>                     Worker.current.setSharedProperty("fromWorkerChannel", 
> null);
>                     Worker.current.terminate();
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }}
> And in the primordial worker:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:WindowedApplication 
> xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
>                        xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
>                        xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx">
>     <fx:Script>
>         <![CDATA[
>             import mx.events.FlexEvent;
>             var worker:Worker;
>             var to:MessageChannel;
>             var from:MessageChannel;
>             var graveyard:Array = new Array();
>             private function removeWorkerIfFailed():void {
>                 if(worker && worker.state == WorkerState.TERMINATED) {
>                     from.close();
>                     worker = null;
>                     // What the actual f***? If I allow this channel to be 
> garbage collected, it breaks. If I prevent that, it doesn't (o.Ó)
>                     graveyard.push(to);
>                     to = null;
>                     from = null;
>                 }
>             }
>             protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
>             {
>                 registerClassAlias("Example", Example);
>                 // Create worker and channels
>                 worker = WorkerDomain.current.createWorker(Workers.BW);
>                 to = Worker.current.createMessageChannel(worker);
>                 from = worker.createMessageChannel(Worker.current);
>                 // Attach event listener to status of worker so its reference 
> can be deleted when it fails
> worker.addEventListener(Event.WORKER_STATE,function(event:Event):void 
> {removeWorkerIfFailed();});
>                 // Set shared properties so worker can access channels
>                 worker.setSharedProperty("toWorkerChannel", to);
>                 worker.setSharedProperty("fromWorkerChannel", from);
>                 // Attach event listener for incoming messages
>                 from.addEventListener(Event.CHANNEL_MESSAGE, 
> function(event:Event):void { trace('incoming'); });
>                 // Start the worker
>                 worker.start();
>                 var example1:Example = new Example("one");
>                 to.send(example1);
>             }
>         ]]>
>     </fx:Script>
>     <s:Button label="Do it" click="button1_clickHandler(event)">
>     </s:Button></s:WindowedApplication>
> Add the Example class
> package{
>     import flash.utils.IDataInput;
>     import flash.utils.IDataOutput;
>     import flash.utils.IExternalizable;
>     public class Example implements IExternalizable
>     {
>         public var name:String;
>         public function Example(name

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