I'm amazed anyone is still using FB 4.7. Get IntelliJ IDEA as it is a more 
effective IDE for building Flex apps. It comes with full Flex support out of 
the box. Also, upgrading SDKs is WAAYYY easier than FB 4.7 and switching 
between SDKs is like one mouse click if you have to revert. I do AIR mobile 
apps for a living and could never go back to that POS FB 4.7.

Sorry for the product advertisement but my inbox sometimes gets crowded with 
yet another struggling developer trying to use FB 4.7 creating monster threads 
that can be entirely avoided by climbing a little learning curve and spending a 
few dollars to upgrade to a real Flex development tool that is wonderfully 
supported and always up to date.


On Nov 29, 2017, at 9:55 AM, After24 <vinc...@after24.net> wrote:

Hi Alex,

I wasn't aware of that procedure to get FB to run on java 8.

Are you working on FB 4.7 premium ?


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