After a little testing, I may just be in luck.  I "assumed" that all file
types that displays in the Photos app on iOS would show up in the
cameraRoll, but unless I am mistaken, I don't think they necessarily do.

cameraRoll.browseForImage() appears to show only images, removing video
files.  I guess it's possible I just didn't see my test video, and I don't
know if there is a browseForVideo() method if what your app needs is videos,
but right now, I am not seeing any videos in the list of media.  Same for
Android. So that takes care of the video problem for me.

And, the way that the image data gets sent to AIR, it appears my app does
not really care whether it is JPEG or PNG.  Both seem to work with the
bitmap and bitmapdata objects that i work with.

So I might be missing something, but I think I am good to go!!!

Thanks for the input Erik!

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