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(Note cross posted to Infra)


> On Jul 16, 2018, at 10:30 AM, Microsftcompany Award compensa 
> <> wrote:
> Attention:
> This is to notify the above Beneficiary that we have received a notification 
> from Microsoft company to award you with the sum of $900,000.00 (Nine Hundred 
> Thousand United State Dollars Only) from a random collection award 
> compensation of the year 2018. Please confirm your address as stated above to 
> enable us prepare your Visa Credit Card ATM Card containing your winning 
> payment for delivery to you.
> We look forward to read from you and to re-confirm your address. 
> Congratulation.
> --------------------------------------------
> On Mon, 7/16/18, Erik J. Thomas <> wrote:
> Subject: Setting Mobile StageText height to fit multiline content
> To:
> Date: Monday, July 16, 2018, 8:12 AM
> The native StyleableStageText and StageText
> controls (and the skins that use them) do not appear to
> support auto-sizing height to multiline content like a
> multiline Label (non-native) control does.
> Can StageText be configured to
> auto-size vertically to display all content exactly?
> There appears to be no way to measure
> the text extents of native controls, so I cannot write my
> own logic to size the height. Based on a fixed width and
> font size and family, I need a way to know the width of a
> line of text to calculate the line breaks, but another rub
> is this has to be done with Emoji characters too.
> The reason I need this at all is
> because I need to display Emoji characters the user may
> enter from the soft keyboard. This is a social network-like
> app and Emoji support is required and posted messages cannot
> be of fixed height or lines will be truncated, or there will
> be many blank lines below the content.
> It seems there must be a native
> property that will cause the native control used by
> StageText to auto-size vertically to content and nobody
> thought to expose that property in Flex. I wonder if this is
> accurate enough to open an issue against Flash/AIR and
> possibly Flex to extend StageText to do this.
> Thanks for your suggestions!

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