
Just tried the Flex Installer today, seeing as how AIR 31 is out. (Thanks
for all your work keeping the installer going, Piotr!).

Installer failed at third step....looks like a mismatch on the MD5
signature? Here's my log:

Installer path: /Applications/Apache Flex/Apache Flex SDK
Installer version 3.3.2 (mac)
Using Locale: en_AU
Fetched the SDK download mirror URL from the CGI.
SDK version Apache Flex SDK 4.16.1
AIR version 31.0
Flash Player version 31.0
Creating Apache Flex home
Creating temporary directory
Downloading Apache Flex SDK from:
Verifying Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature
The Apache Flex SDK MD5 Signature of the downloaded files does not match the
reference value. The file is invalid, installation is aborted.
Aborting Installation:
http://flex.apache.org/track-installer.html?failure=true&label=Apache Flex
SDK 4.16.1&version=4.16.1&os=mac&installerversion=3.3.2&info=The Apache Flex
SDK MD5 Signature of the downloaded files does not match the reference
value. The file is invalid, installation is aborted.

Best Regards,


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