Hi All,

I'm getting ApplicationVerificationFailed when I try to install my app.

My developer certificate and provisioning profile have been working fine,
but now I'm sending my iPhone into Apple for a repair and need to do testing
on a new device. I've created a new provisioning profile that includes the
new device. When I try to debug via USB on the new iPhone I reliably get

When I use iOS Console to look into this I see that it says "A valid
provisioning profile for this executable was not found". But when I look at
the output that precedes this message, it looks as though it's a
connectivity problem, i.e. the iPhone can't get through to Apple's server,
and that is why it can't find a valid provisioning profile.

For example, it says the following:

Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Notice>: TIC TCP Conn Cancel

Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Error>: Task
<B8A70C78-14E2-4A2E-8349-3BF8D11828BA>.<1> load failed with error Error
Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out."
NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.,
NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=<private>, NSErrorFailingURLKey=<private>,
_kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4} [-1001]

Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd[98] <Notice>: Failed to download ocsp response
with error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out."
    "LocalDataTask <B8A70C78-14E2-4A2E-8349-3BF8D11828BA>.<1>"
), NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.,

Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>: 3.044s [C15]

Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Error>: Task
<B8A70C78-14E2-4A2E-8349-3BF8D11828BA>.<1> HTTP load failed (error code:
-999 [1:89])

(Full iOS Console output below.)

Then, right after it outputs the above it says that it can't find the
provisioning profile.

I suppose that there's another possible explanation. Note the long encoded
URL strings above. It's concievable that Apple has things set up so that the
phone computes the URL based on the certificate and profile info that it has
on hand, and the server simply doesn't respond to URL strings that are
incorrect. IMHO this wouldn't be the best way to do this, but who knows?

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


Oct 31 10:16:26 iPhone installd(Security)[45] <Notice>: Trust evaluate
failure: [leaf IssuerCommonName LeafMarkerOid SubjectCommonName]
Oct 31 10:16:26 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Notice>: Task
<B8A70C78-14E2-4A2E-8349-3BF8D11828BA>.<1> resuming, QOS(0x11)
Oct 31 10:16:26 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Notice>: TIC TCP Conn Start
Oct 31 10:16:26 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>: [C15
Hostname#c250ac99:80 tcp, pid: 45, url hash: a599fc8c] start
Oct 31 10:16:26 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>:
nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_locked [C15] reporting state
Oct 31 10:16:26 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Notice>: Task
<B8A70C78-14E2-4A2E-8349-3BF8D11828BA>.<1> setting up Connection 15
Oct 31 10:16:26 iPhone backboardd[56] <Notice>: touch up event count:4
starting 9.1213s ago lastPID:52 lastContextID:F6D651C5
Oct 31 10:16:28 iPhone UserEventAgent(AppleHDQGasGauge)[22] <Notice>: POSM
Oct 31 10:16:28 iPhone CommCenter(libATCommandStudioDynamic.dylib)[76]
<Notice>: QMI: Svc=0x03(NAS) Ind MsgId=0x0061 Bin=[<private>]
Oct 31 10:16:28 iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[76]
<Notice>: #I Received current PLMN indication from baseband
Oct 31 10:16:28 iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterMCommandDrivers.dylib)[76]
<Notice>: #I Received long name (<private>) short name (<private>) service
provider name (<private>) and name source (kUnknown)
Oct 31 10:16:28 iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[108] <Notice>: L2 Metrics
on ifname en0: rssi: -50 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail) 12/1/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Notice>: TIC TCP Conn Cancel
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>: [C15
Hostname#c250ac99:80 tcp, pid: 45, url hash: a599fc8c] cancel
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>: [C15
Hostname#c250ac99:80 tcp, pid: 45, url hash: a599fc8c] cancelled
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Error>: Task
<B8A70C78-14E2-4A2E-8349-3BF8D11828BA>.<1> load failed with error Error
Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out."
NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.,
NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=<private>, NSErrorFailingURLKey=<private>,
_kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=4} [-1001]
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>: 0.000s [C15
<private> Hostname#c250ac99:80 resolver] path:start
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>: 0.000s [C15
<private> Hostname#c250ac99:80 resolver] path:satisfied
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>: 0.000s [C15
<private> Hostname#c250ac99:80 resolver] resolver:start_dns
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd[98] <Notice>: Failed to download ocsp response
with error Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out."
    "LocalDataTask <B8A70C78-14E2-4A2E-8349-3BF8D11828BA>.<1>"
), NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out.,
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>: 3.044s [C15]
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(libnetwork.dylib)[98] <Notice>:
nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_locked [C15] reporting state
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Notice>: removing all entries
config 0x10064c740
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Error>: Task
<B8A70C78-14E2-4A2E-8349-3BF8D11828BA>.<1> finished with error - code: -999
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone trustd(CFNetwork)[98] <Error>: Task
<B8A70C78-14E2-4A2E-8349-3BF8D11828BA>.<1> HTTP load failed (error code:
-999 [1:89])
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone installd(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[45] <Notice>: elided
platform fast path for key: re6Zb+zwFKJNlkQTUeT+/w
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone installd(libmis.dylib)[45] <Notice>: Skipping a
profile because of error 0xe8008012.
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone installd(MobileSystemServices)[45] <Notice>:
0x16afb7000 +[MICodeSigningVerifier
_validateSignatureAndCopyInfoForURL:withOptions:error:]: 199: Failed to
verify code signature of
: 0xe8008015 (A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone installd(MobileSystemServices)[45] <Notice>:
0x16afb7000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Verification stage
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: Client relinquished
<BKTerminationAssertion: 0x100a37ee0; "FBSApplicationTerminationAssertion"
(Unconditional); 45:(null) id:\M-b\M^@\M-&7F924E5C8E5F>
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone assertiond[62] <Notice>: -[BKAssertion dealloc] -
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone SpringBoard[52] <Notice>: termination assertion
efficacy for com.brightworks.LangMentor.standard (app not found) changed to
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone installd(MobileInstallation)[45] <Notice>:
com.brightworks.LangMentor.standard:7:5:2:0:Fail (End) : Install (New)
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone lsd(MobileInstallation)[80] <Notice>:
(null):5:1:2:0:MobileInstallation returned nil for
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(MobileInstallation)[265]
<Notice>: (null):5:1:2:0:_LSInstallationManager install:withError finished
Oct 31 10:16:29 iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[265]
<Notice>: 0x16d85f000 handle_install: Installation failed: Error
Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=13 "Failed to verify code signature of
: 0xe8008015 (A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not
found.)" UserInfo={LibMISErrorNumber=-402620395,
LegacyErrorString=ApplicationVerificationFailed, SourceFileLine=199,
NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to verify code signature of
: 0xe8008015 (A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not

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