I should wait a few before posting :) 

So after paying closer attention to the difference between 4.15.0 and
4.16.1, a "/" was as well in the target to download the jars. I removed that
"/" from 4.15.0 modules/downloads.xml and was able to download the jars from
the maven repository.

However, I then ran into a problem compiling the thirdparty xerces library
(and then subsequently many others) that had the following error:


I tried changing the javac.src property to 1.6 but that didn't work, so I
just tried removing the 'source' and 'target' attributes from each of the
javac tasks for those targets that failed. Not sure if that was the best
solution, but it seemed to have worked.

Lastly... I'm stuck again and this time I haven't found the answer yet. I'm
getting an error with compiling the debugger it looks like and I don't know
enough about java compilation and these files to determine what is going on



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