       I Totally agree, back in 2009 I spend 1 year looking a frameworks, going 
round and round reading all the stuff trying to balance one evangelist vs 
another evangelist, then o read something that said there is no answer pick 
want  works for you, in my case I needed rich UX, at the time that meant Flex 
and off I went 

When I say " evangelist,”  these guys create a lot of noise and you need to 
understand how the get “paid” / ‘rewarded” cash clicks or  ego etc. you have to 
try and filter all this out and work out what's best for you or pick something 
that you think will be with us for a long time 

Angular was a the big hope, Goggle is a big player
Then React, well face book is a big player  
Now well maybe Vue.js 
I long for the day of Flash / Flex  rules the world 

PS keeps us all in a job :)

> On 24 Jun 2019, at 09:58, Olaf Krueger <m...@olafkrueger.net> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Royal is ... IMHO a dead end, in a few years your be porting again 
> I think this is valid for all of the tech stacks/frameworks out there.
> Depending on the use case, Royale could be the best option... or even not.
> But it's always worth to give it a try like any other tech stack or
> framework out there which might fits your needs.
> Nothing lives forever, maybe Google's Angular will be eaten by Googles
> Flutter, maybe Vue.js will take over React, maybe... nobody knows.
> I guess the time where we could stick with one tech stack over a decade is
> long gone.
> Things are changing incredibly fast these days, today's hottest hype may be
> forgotten tomorrow.
> I think we have to re-think our decisions from project to project, depending
> on the project's needs, the available tooling, libs, developers etc.
> Just my 2cents, even if this is not helpful ;-)
> Olaf
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-flex-users.2333346.n4.nabble.com/

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