
Yes we're working on this - there were some changes made already to try to 
ensure this worked when the M1 devices launched, but our simple test cases 
didn't pick up on some of the things people are doing! so we have a lot of open 
bugs on this currently. Trying to get this all set up and sorted out but our 
teams are a little busy supporting all these customers with Flex applications 
that they need to keep using next year despite the 'end of life' for Flash 



-----Original Message-----
From: After24 <vinc...@after24.net> 
Sent: 25 November 2020 08:23
To: users@flex.apache.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] AIR on apple M1 computer (Harman)

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Except for a few security changes during installation, our AIR desktop 
applications are running on macOS Big Sur without any problem with Intel X86 
based computer.

We didn't have yet the opportunity to make tests on M1 processor based new 

Did someone had ?

It would be interesting to hear from Harman about their plan to support AIR on 
those new lines of Arm desktop computers : will it be based on Rosetta 2 or can 
we expect a specific AIR runtime ?

Thank you.


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