De fait vu la longue liste des bugs ORB semble posé problème, cependant en 3.5.4 je pouvais faire la manip décrite alors: plus ça va moins ça va ... Est-ce que l'environnement : Win XP pourrait être en cause, ou ce problème est constaté quelque soit le système d'exploitation?


Le 21/03/2013 17:15, Alexander Thurgood a écrit :
Bonjour Claude,

Le 21/03/13 11:59, Claude FRICARD a écrit :
Depuis que j'ai installé la 3.6.5 (j'avais la version 3.5.4 avant
celle-ci) je constate des dysfonctionnements avec l"application Base.
Le plus probant et le plus incontournable est qu'au moment ou je
construis un rapport avec l'assistant (Sun report Builder version
1.2.3) et plus particulièrement lorsque j'essaie de définir la
fonction Accumulation le système se plante, je récupère la main en
"tuant" les tâches soffice.exe.
Pour les autres dysfonctionnements constatés j'attends de pouvoir
confirmer les contextes.

De toutes manières, au fil des versions de LO, le ORB semble être de
plus en plus dysfonctionnel...

58911 <>        EDITING:
Wizard for old Reports only woks, when Report-Builder isn't installed
<>      2012-12-31
61380 <>
REPORTBUILDER: Report Builder crashes when attempting to reposition and
modify field description in the body of the report.
<>      2013-02-24
57617 <>
REPORTBUILDER: Report builder hang in edit mode
<>      2013-03-03
58805 <>        Report
builder: Wrong date and time in report page header footer
<>      2013-03-07
61725 <>
REPORTBUILDER cannot execute/wizard-create any report: failed assertion
SolarMutex not locked
<>      Sun 07:31
62147 <>
Report-Builder: Fonts in Fields with text-content are not displayed
correctly <>    Tue 14:41
33091 <>        Report
Builder: all Numeric formats except "General/Standard" of *current* UI
language format NULL as NaN
<>      2012-09-14
33617 <>        lines
created in report builder are not shown in report
<>      2013-03-08
36858 <>        Oracle
Report Builder date calculation error
<>      2012-08-28
45316 <>        [REPORT
BUILDER] [EDITING] Grouping on prefix fails with LibO from 3.4.x
<>      2012-08-03
45338 <>        EDITING
ReportBuilder: 'Details - General Keep Together' without visible effect
<>      2013-03-13
50105 <>        EDITING
Content sized table cells via Reports builder
<>      2012-08-17
51452 <>        EDITING:
ReportBuilder - group with repeating area set automatically pagebreak
before and after area
<>      2013-03-10
51453 <>        EDITING:
ReportBuilder - group with restarting pagecount impossible
<>      2013-03-08
51959 <>        EDITING:
Report-Builder - group-footer disappears when choosing "Repeat Section"
<>      2013-03-08
52097 <>        Report
Builder edit of Data Filter results in bad SQL syntax.
<>      2012-08-03
52430 <>        EDITING:
Report-Builder - conditional print expression won't work with repeated
section <>      2012-08-03
52486 <>        EDITING:
Report-Builder Show fields dependent on PageCount didn't work
<>      2012-08-03
52942 <>        EDITING
ReportBuilder: - allow embedded Pictures
<>      2012-08-22
52944 <>        EDITING:
Report-Builder - Group start new column has no function
<>      2012-09-10
52949 <>        EDITING:
Report-Builder - Scroll in Datafields has no function
<>      2012-09-01
53253 <>
REPORTBUILDER: Automatic page break destroys details group
<>      2012-08-31
54930 <>        EDITING
Report builder: mouse-resize control allows to move top of control to
out of section <>
54933 <>        EDITING
Report builder: mouse-move control: gap between mouse position
<>      2013-02-12
55202 <>        EDITING:
Report-Builder - Vertical position of text with shapes in the background
impossible <>   2012-10-04
55385 <>        EDITING:
Report-Builder doesn't allow to group a report by the month of a date -
wrong SQL-Code <>
55792 <>        EDITING:
Report-Builder - Starting Function-Wizard won't work in Data-Properties
<>      2013-01-27
58371 <>
REPORTBUILDER: Crash when opening report of attachment fdo#48056
<>      2013-03-13
60953 <>
REPORTBUILDER: missing header and footer on first page when section
"Detail" is set to Page-Break after Section
<>      2013-03-10
61723 <>
REPORTBUILDER most annoying bugs
<>      2013-03-08
62248 <>
REPORTBUILDER: multiple groupings on same field broken
<>      2013-03-12
52941 <>        EDITING:
ReportBuilder - property 'Print repeated values = No' without effect
except data-fields of type "VARCHAR"
<>      2012-09-22
55162 <>
REPORTBUILDER crashes when report contains "group by f


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