HelideoCostaElias a écrit :
Sorry for this basic question.
I have a .xls with macros but they don't work with OOo v3.0.
How to proceed ?


Don't be sorry, it's not a basic question at all; but be careful...
- First, you might want to ask a non-French mailing list, that usually helps in getting your question read and answered; - Next, while VBA support has been improved in OOo 3.0, it is not yet perfect: you may want to debug said macros to see where they don't work, and then report a bug including the code snippet that has OO.o's pants in a knot; - Last, if you installed OO.o 3 over 2.4, loading and executing Excel macros might have been kept disabled: Tools=>Options=>Load/Save=>VBA Properties=>check all.

Does that help?


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