Thanks I upgraded to v 1.0 at that resolved the function issue. Now I can see in firebug that watershedsrec and publiclandsrec are filled with the layerrec objects ...
However I still get a wms getlegendgraphic call to retrieve the the legend from my TileCache layer (which obviously doesn't get a valid legend back) So is the anything else wrong with by approach - see below var legendLayerStore = new{ map: map, layers: [publiclands,watersheds,quads,counties,overlay1] }); // set legendurls var watershedsrec = legendLayerStore.getByLayer(watersheds); var publiclandsrec = legendLayerStore.getByLayer(publiclands); watershedsrec.set("legendURL", "http://myurl/legend/watersheds_legend.png"); publiclandsrec.set("legendURL", "http://myurl/legend/publiclands_legend.png") Karsten _______________________________________________ Users mailing list