I am using openstreet maps OSM as the background for my projects and I
am doing pgrouting to find the best route. it works fine.my database for
routing is inside the postgresql .
now I have added a field in my table in postgresql , this field is the
status of the streets , I mean some records of this field are CLOSE and
the rest are OPEN.
I want to show the CLOSE records from the Status field in the browser
with Geojson format. for sure I have to do a query like , select * from
mytable WHERE status='CLOSE;
I use php for server side dealing . my database projection is in
geographic 4326 and the OSM streets in the browser is in mercator
how can I display the result of the query as a line vector layer in the
browser ?
I know that I have ti cerate a layer in openlayer and write php codes to
do the query , but it doesnt work. who can help me in more details or
show an example exception pgrouting workshop 2010.
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