I've registered an event on 'changelayer' and 'moveend' so as to update my
legend whenever a layer is turned on/off or the map is zoomed (zoom because
I am using geowebcache and have SLD based on scale).

In Chrome13 and FF6 and IE8, it seems the changelayer event and the pan
portion of the moveend event does not work.  (legend only updates on zoom)

In IE9, it seems the first changelayer event works but then additional
visibility changes do not register.  Surprisingly, the pan event will update
the legend and the first changelayer event will respond again after a

Application: http://floodatlas.org/wcmp/DEV/
map.events.register starts at line 1170

fyi, I'm running both OL and GeoExt from trunk.

Thanks for any help and suggestions.

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