Hum, without any error message, it would be hard to solve your problem!

Few weeks ago, I had a similar problem but I can't remember what I've  
changed in my app.

Try to debug your app step by step, until the POST request has been sent!  
I think I can't help you further without an example on the internet.


Le Tue, 11 Oct 2011 13:25:42 +0200, Claire lagesse  
<> a écrit:

> Sorry, I forgot to tell that I receive nothing from firebug ! It just
> happen nothing when I clic 'Print' with a 'POST' method !
> Thank you !
>> Hi Claire,
>> Did you receive any error message from firebug?
>> Geoffrey
>> Le Tue, 11 Oct 2011 12:06:22 +0200, Claire lagesse
>> <> a écrit:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to include to my web application a printing module. I use
>>> Geoserver. All that have to be installed on Geoserver does. I just  
>>> don't
>>> manage to send my request in 'POST'. With 'GET' it works but only with  
>>> a
>>> few amount of information in the url. And it isn't enouth for my web
>>> app.
>>> Could you help me ?
>>> Thanks a lot !
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Here is my code until this point :
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>     action27 = new Ext.Action({
>>>         icon : './img/print.png'
>>>         ,handler: function(){
>>>                 // the print extent before creating the pdf.
>>>                 var printDialog = new Ext.Window({
>>>                     title: "Print Preview",
>>>                     layout: "fit",
>>>                     width: 350,
>>>                     autoHeight: true,
>>>                    items: [
>>>                                                new GeoExt.PrintMapPanel({
>>> sourceMap: map.mapP,
>>> printProvider: {
>>> method: "GET",
>>> capabilities: printCapabilities,
>>> customParams: {
>>>         mapTitle: "GeoExt Printing Demo",
>>>         comment: "This demo shows how to use GeoExt.PrintMapPanel"
>>> }
>>>                                                                     }
>>>                                     })],
>>>                     bbar: [{                text: "Create PDF",
>>> handler: function() {
>>> printDialog.items.get(0).print();
>>>                                                                     }
>>>                     }]
>>>                 });
>>>       ;
>>>                             }
>>>             // button options
>>>             ,tooltip: "Print"
>>>     });
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