
iconCls is not a property of the OpenLayers.Control, but of the
GeoExt.Action that wraps the control. So you just need to move the
iconCls assignment 2 lines down, and you'll be fine.


On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Francesc Cañas <kikoca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What I have in css is:
> .Zoom_in{
> background-image:url(/OpenLayers/theme/default/img/drag-rectangle-on.png)!important;
> width:22px !important;
> height:22px !important;
> }
> But still adding .x-btn. doesn't work.
> I link the .css with <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
> href="IconCls.css"></link> and the file is at the same folder as html. The
> OpenLayers folder is there too.
> The code of the control is
> action = new GeoExt.Action({
> control: new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomToMaxExtent(),
>        map: map,
>        //text: "max_extent",
> iconCls: "Zoom_extent",
>         tooltip: "zoom to max extent"
> });
> actions["Zoom_extent"] = action;
> toolbarItems.push(action);
> When I've added the .x-btn. and it doesn't work I've tried to add at IconCls
> ".x-btn.Zomm_extent" but neither works.
> --
> http://kikocanas.blogspot.com

Andreas Hocevar
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