Please read the docs:
The "layer" config option takes a vector layer that is used to display
the placemark. If you want to search a GeoServer layer for a specific
field, you will need a configuration like in this example:


2012/2/29 Francesc Cañas <>:
>> I succes to put the searcher in my map as the example, but I don't have
>> OSM.
>> There's any way to modify it to search my own Layers?
>> I have layers from Geoserver,
>> I've tried this way but only search Cities names instead of names of the
>> fields of my layers, I don't understand why.
>> //the layer that I want to be searchable
>> var Projectes = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
>> "Projectes",
>> "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/AUMA/wms";,
>> {
>>                      layers: 'AUMA:Projectes',
>> transparent:true,
>> format: 'image/png'},
>> {
>> isBaseLayer:false,
>> buffer: 0
>> });
>> //the mapPanel with baselayers and the searching code inside the toolbar
>> mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
>>         border: true,
>>         region: "center",
>> map: map,
>>         height: 500,
>>         width: 800,
>> title: 'Estudis i enginyeries',
>> zoom: 1,
>> maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-90, -180, 90, 180),
>> center: new OpenLayers.LonLat (-3,0),
>> bbar: [escala,'  ',zoomSelector,'  ',Projection,'  ',cordX,'  ',cordY],
>> tbar: [toolbarItems,{
>>             xtype:"gx_geocodercombo",
>>             emptyText: "Search GeoNames",
>> layer: Projectes,
>>             width: 200
>>         }],
>> layers: [
>>             new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
>> "BlueMarble", "";,
>> {
>> layers:['BlueMarble_NG','admin_level1-world']
>> }, {
>>                     buffer: 0,
>>                     visibility: false
>>                 }
>>             ),
>> new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
>> "OpenLayers WMS", "";,
>> {
>> layers:['basic']
>> },{
>>                     buffer: 0,
>>                     visibility: false
>>                 }
>> ),
>> Projectes ]
>>     });
>> Thanks a lot for your help!
>> --
> --
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