
Thanks for the link to the latest example, Andreas  

Does the maxResolution config automatically disable a node now when we zoom out 
of range?
May I ask why the example has two listeners? one in the plugin and another for 
the tree?...Is that just to show that listeners can be attached to trees as 
well as plugins?

My problem with layer 1 is still persisting unfortunately. I have looked at the 
code once again but to no avail. 

The test app is here..http://maps.zgb.de/geoportal/treenodes.html

The treeconfig is not json anymore, but still when the first node is made 
active first, the rest are not queryable.

Maybe my plugin listener to make active nodes queryable wrong?!?

plugins: [
            new GeoExt.plugins.TreeNodeRadioButton({
                listeners: {
                    "radiochange": function(node) {
                  //alert(node.text + " is now the active layer.");
                   activeNode = node;
              if(activeNode == node)
                  selLayer = node.layer;
                          featureInfo.layers = [selLayer];


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