Hello !

I am completely new to ALL that ... so, it could be even
my problem ...

>From the examples, I excerpted this code:

    new GeoExt.MapPanel(
                renderTo: "gxmap",
                width: 700,
                height: 700,
                layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM()],
                center: [8.5315623, 49.4100709],
                zoom: 6,
                map:    {
                                maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10000,
-10000, 10000, 10000),
                                units: "m",
                                projection: "EPSG:900913"

The map is shown, but the center is Africa ;-)
[Same temeperature here {this is Germany ;-) }].

Some tips could help me - it#s just that in the moment,
that I do not understand the coordinates, bounds etc.

If I use a OpenLayer example for the same coords,
it works. I even tried with zoom, this could influence
it ??

Thanks so far
and best regards

[Using Ext 3.3.2/ OpenLayers 2.10/2.12/ GeoExt stabile]


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