
This is probably a very simple question but I just can't seem to figure it out.

I am writing a Javascript app to retrieve layer information from a WFS server using a GetCapabilities request using GeoExt. GetCapabilities returns information about the WFS server -- the server's name, who runs it, etc., in addition to information on the data layers it has on offer.

My basic code looks like this:

var store = new GeoExt.data.WFSCapabilitiesStore({ url: serverURL });

store.on('load', successFunction);
store.on('exception', failureFunction);

This works as expected, and when the loading completes, successFunction is called.

successFunction looks like this:

successFunction = function(dataProxy, records, options) {

dataProxy is a Ext.data.DataProxy object, records is a list of records, one for each layer on the WFS server, and options is empty.

And here is where I'm stuck: In this function, I can get access to all the layer information regarding data offered by the server. But I also want to extract the server information that is contained in the XML fetched during the store.load() (see below). I can't figure out how to get it out of the dataProxy object, where I'm sure it must be squirreled away.

Any ideas?

The fields I want are contained in this snippet:


Thank you!

Chris Eykamp
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