After a good deal of fuddling around I found out was wrong:

1. OverlayLayerContainer includes all layers in the OpenLayers.Map object,
I had to replace it by a regular Ext TreeNode:

    WebGIS.treeNodes[tag] = new Ext.tree.TreeNode

2. The Layer node was being initialised with the layer name instead of the
OpeanLayers.Layer object. This how it should like:

    var newNode = new GeoExt.tree.LayerNode
        text: title,
        layer: layer,
        leaf: true,
        checked: false,
        children: [],
        nodeType: "gx_layer"



On 6 February 2014 16:59, Luís de Sousa <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> This is going on with GeoExt 1.1 and OpenLayers 2.12. I need to build a
> layer tree dynamically, with layers and nodes that are only known at run
> time. The snippets I show below correctly create a layer tree with several
> nodes and adds the layers node leafs. The problem is that though each layer
> is assigned to a single tree node, it is then shown under each and every
> tree node created.
> During init the tree and its root are set up:
>   treeRoot = new Ext.tree.TreeNode
>   ({
>       text        : 'Project',
>       id          : '0',
>       leaf        :false,
>       expandable  : true,
>       expanded    : true
>   });
>   layerTree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel
>   ({
>     title: 'Map Layers',
>     region: "west",
>     width: 200,
>     collapsible: true,
>     autoScroll: true,
>     enableDD: true,
>     plugins:
>     [{
>       ptype: "gx_treenodecomponent"
>     }],
>     loader:
>     {
>       applyLoader: false,
>       uiProviders:
>       {
>         "custom_ui": LayerNodeUI
>       }
>     },
>     root: treeRoot,
>     rootVisible: false,
>     lines: false
>   });
> Later on new tree nodes can be added according to a tag, and kept in an
> array:
>     if(treeNodes[tag] == null)
>     {
>         treeNodes[tag] = new GeoExt.tree.OverlayLayerContainer
>         ({
>                 text: tag,
>                 leaf: false,
>                 expanded: true
>         });
>         treeRoot.appendChild(treeNodes[tag]);
>     }
> Layers are added to the map and to a specific tree node:
>     var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(title, serviceURL, params,
> options);
>     leftMap.addLayer(layer);
>"visibilitychanged", this, toggleLayer);
>     var newNode = new GeoExt.tree.LayerNode(
>     {
>         text: title,
>         layer: layerName,
>         leaf: true,
>         checked: false,
>         children: [],
>         nodeType: "gx_layer"
>     });
>     treeNodes[tag].appendChild(newNode);
> But then each layer appears several times, once under each tree node.
> Any hints on why it is happening this way are welcome. Thank you,
> Luís
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