Hello, I'm working on a web app with PostGis/mapserver/GeoExt1.1/Openlayers/ExtJS.
In a layertree, I add WMSlegends from WMS layers generated on the fly by phpmapscript. I get one image per layer with every class and class names (one legend for a layer = one image), cf. code at the bottom of my message : X Layer 1 ---> 1 image for 2 class Now, I would like to achieve this in a different way and get each legend boxes + title separately (one class = one image + class name) to interact with each layer class with mapscript X Layer 1 ---> class 1: image1 name1 ---> class 2: image2 name2 I saw that i can use RULE parameter in the getLegendGraphic request, but how identify my RULES/Classes from a WMS layer? Any idea is welcome ! Thanks, Frédéric Bray Irstea Grenoble Here is the (classic) part of code I use for now to create nodes for each layer in my layercontainer: createNode: function(attr) { // add a WMS legend to each node created attr.component = { xtype: "gx_wmslegend", layerRecord: mapPanel.layers.getByLayer(attr.layer), showTitle: false, // custom class for css positioning // see tree-legend.html cls: "legend", style: 'padding-left:45px', baseParams: { FORMAT: 'image/png', LEGEND_OPTIONS: 'forceLabels:on' } } ; attr.listeners = { click : function (){ // Action on legend click }//End fonction } //End listener return GeoExt.tree.LayerParamLoader.prototype.createNode.call(this, attr); } Frédéric Bray Pôle Système d'information UR DTM Irstea - Grenoble 2, rue de la Papeterie 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères +33 (0)4 76 76 27 74 www.irstea.fr <http://www.irstea.fr/> Pour mieux affirmer ses missions, le Cemagref devient Irstea
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