Hi all,

I'm building a tree panel similar to the example LegendTree. So far so
good, I'm able to use gx_wmslegend ctype to show the legend below each node
in the tree.
However there is a case where i need to override the legendURL and point it
to a specific image instead of using the default GetLegendGraphic.

I have sucessfully implemented this override in a GeoExt.panel.Legend by
"manually" seting the layer record legendurl field
[eg: layerRec.set("legendURL", rec.data.legURL);]

When trying the same approach on th gx_wmslegend it doesn't work. I was
reading through the docs of this xtype and it states that the image can be
read from the styles field of a layer record

When looking at the layerModel i cannot see this field defined. So my
question would be, where should i set this styles field? GeoExt layer
record? Openlayers layer record? How would it look like?

Thanks in advance.

Hugo Martins
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