Hi Juliette,

in general you can only pass one component to "attr.component" as the 
name indicates to. But if you wrap your components (legend, slider, 
etc.) in a parent container you can easily add as much components as you 
want. Here is some code (untested) which gives you an idea how to 
tackles this


attr.component = {
   xtype: 'container',
   layout: 'vbox', //or whatever layout you need
   items: [
     // add your components (legend and slider) here


Hope this helps.


Am 06.01.2015 um 17:47 schrieb Juliette Fabre:
> Thanks, no I didn't try, but actually I don't really see how I have to
> do it. Would you have some code samples so that I can try to copy what
> you did?
> Le 06/01/2015 16:00, dustin.r.blankens...@accenturefederal.com a écrit :
>> Have you tried extending the LayerLoader'?
>> extend: 'GeoExt.tree.LayerLoader',
>>       createNode: function(attr) {
>> I had to extend the layer container and use a custom loader. This allowed me 
>> to add text and an icon to the node.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: users-boun...@geoext.org [mailto:users-boun...@geoext.org] On Behalf 
>> Of Juliette Fabre
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 3:20 AM
>> To: users@geoext.org
>> Subject: [Users] How to add multiple components to a tree store node
>> Hello,
>> I'm trying to add a WMS legend AND an opacity slider to each node of a tree 
>> store.
>> I can add each component separately, but not together ...
>> It could be something like this, but attr.component = [{...}, {}] raises 
>> errors .. :
>> var tree_store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {
>>        model: 'GeoExt.data.LayerTreeModel',
>>        root: {
>>            expanded: true,
>>            children: [
>>            {
>>                // Base layers
>>                plugins: ['gx_baselayercontainer'],
>>                expanded: true,
>>                text: "Base maps"
>>            },
>>            {
>>                // Overlays
>>                plugins: [{
>>                    ptype: "gx_overlaylayercontainer",
>>                    loader: {
>>                        createNode: function(attr) {
>>                            attr.component =
>>                            [
>>                            // Add a WMS legend to each node created
>>                            {
>>                                xtype: "gx_wmslegend",
>>                                layerRecord:
>> mapPanel.layers.getByLayer(attr.layer),
>>                                showTitle: false,
>>                                baseParams: {
>>                                    // Overrides gif format that is ugly in 
>> this case
>>                                    FORMAT: 'image/png',
>>                                    LEGEND_OPTIONS: 'forceLabels:off'
>>                                },
>>                            },
>>                            // Add an opacity slider
>>                            {
>>                                xtype: "gx_opacityslider",
>>                                layer: attr.layer,
>>                                vertical: false,
>>                                value: 100,
>>                                //x: 100,
>>                                //y: 100,
>>                                width: 200,
>>                                aggressive: true,
>>                                listeners: {
>>                                    change: function(slider, val) {
>>                                        attr.layer.setOpacity(val/100);
>>                                    }
>>                                }
>>                            }];
>>                            return
>> GeoExt.tree.LayerLoader.prototype.createNode.call(this, attr);
>>                        }
>>                    }
>>                }],
>>                expanded: true,
>>                text: "Layers",
>>            }]
>>        }
>> });
>> Any idea?
>> Thanks,
>> Juliette
>> --
>> Juliette Fabre
>> Ingénieur d'Etudes Systèmes d'Information Scientifiques OSU OREME Bât. 22, 
>> bureau 220, Université Montpellier 2 Place Eugène Bataillon - CC 22002, 
>> 34095 Montpellier Tél : 04 67 14 40 41 data.oreme.org
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