Hi Endre,

at the moment there is no out-of-the-box solution for this neither in
GeoExt 1.x nor in GeoExt 2.x. According to your sample code I guess that
you use GeoExt 1.x ?

You can achieve this by defining a lookup object mapping e. g. the zoom
level to a text:

var lookup = {
    0: "International" ,
    1: "National",
    // ...

and read the text defined by the zoom level and pass it via the
'getText' function of the slider's tip , like this (untested):


     plugins: new Ext.slider.Tip({
         getText: function(thumb){
             return String.format('{0}', lookup[thumb.value]);


Hope this helps as a kind of kickstart.


Am 17.02.2015 um 15:46 schrieb Moen Endre:
> I have a definition of a zoomslider like this:
> xtype: "gx_zoomslider",
>                 vertical: true,
>                 height: 100,
>                 plugins: new GeoExt.ZoomSliderTip({
>                     template: "<div>Zoom level: 
> {zoom}</div><div>resolution:{resolution}</div>"
>                 }
> But I would like to substitute {resolution} with the text International, 
> National, Regional, Local – depending on which zoom level the user have 
> zoomed at. But the only variables that can be used is {scale}, {resolution} 
> and {zoom}. How is the best way of adding these new text strings? E.g. I 
> would like International to be associated with zoom level 0,1, and 2.
> Thanks
> Endre
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