Hi Francisco,

autoPanMapOnSelection is not a config of the grid, it is a config of
GeoExt.selection.FeatureModel [1]. So instead of configuring your
selection model by its xtype you can create it yourself and configure
it. Like this (untested):

*selModel: Ext.create('GeoExt.selection.FeatureModel',
{autoPanMapOnSelection: true})**,*



Am 23.07.2015 um 13:24 schrieb Francisco Salas Rosette:
> hi, I have one situation, need that when I select one feature in the
> grid panel , this feature recenter in the map 
> My code:
> .
> .
> gridPanel_barcos = Ext.create('Ext.grid.GridPanel', {
>         title: "Barcos",
>         region: "east",
>         store: store_barcos,
>         width: '100%',
>         height: 490,
>             autoPanMapOnSelection: true,
>             columns: [
>             {text: "País", flex: 0.5, dataIndex:
> 'CodPais',renderer:mostrar},
>         {
>             header: "Nombre",
>             flex: 2,
>             dataIndex: "Nombre"
>         }],
>         selType: 'featuremodel',
>         listeners:{
>             itemclick: function (View, record) {
>            //     alert(record.data.Nombre);
>          //   mapPanel.map.recenterToSelectionExtent();
>             }
>         }
>     });
> .
> .
> I use the autoPanMapOnSelection: true, propertie , but don’t work
>  What is my problems????
> Any suggestion,
> Regards,
> Francisco Salas
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