Hi Michael,

which version of GeoExt are you using?


On 14.12.2015 21:05, Bishopp, Michael wrote:

I am new to GeoExt and am struggling to figure out how to add a GeoExt.tree.panel to a Ext.tab.Panel. Here is what I have in brief:


    name: 'Custom Map',

    launch: function() {



//. a bunch of code up here including the MapPanel!!



        var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {

            model: 'GeoExt.data.LayerTreeModel',

            root: {

                plugins: [{

                    ptype: "gx_layercontainer",

                    loader: {

                        createNode: function(attr) {

                            // add a WMS legend to each node created

                            attr.component = {

                                xtype: "gx_wmslegend",

layerRecord: mapPanel.layers.getByLayer(attr.layer),

                                showTitle: false,

                                // custom class for css positioning

                                // see tree-legend.html

                                cls: "legend"


return GeoExt.tree.LayerLoader.prototype.createNode.call(this, attr);






                              var tabPanel = Ext.create('Ext.tab.Panel', {

region: "west",

title: "TOC",

collapsible: true,

collapseMode: "mini",

                              split: true,

tabPosition: "bottom",

plain: true,

border: true,

items: [{

xtype: "treepanel", //ßI have tried gx_treepanel here, but to no avail (get errors)

store: store,

title: "Layers",

               width: 250,

autoScroll: true,

               rootVisible: false,

bodyPadding: "10, 0",

               lines: false,

viewConfig: {

plugins: [{

ptype: 'treeviewdragdrop',

appendOnly: false



}, {

title: "Legend",

bodyPadding: 10,

width: 250,

html: "This is where the Legend goes<br>" + //This is temp placeholder code for now

"This is where the Legend goes<br>" +

"This is where the Legend goes<br>" +

"This is where the Legend goes<br>" +

"This is where the Legend goes<br>"



        Ext.create('Ext.Viewport', {

            layout: "fit",

            hideBorders: true,

            items: {

                layout: "border",

//Don't know if I really need deferredRender

deferredRender: false,

                items: [

                    mapPanel, tabPanel //, toolbar






Under the var tabPanel (see above), I have the “items” config that contains an xtype of treepanel right now. This ‘sort of’ works, but not as expected. I have also tried an gx_treepanel here, but this gives all kinds of errors and really doesn’t work as expected.

Any advice would be appreciated!


Michael Bishopp

/ICT - GIS Software Engineer/

Port of Seattle

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