*I want to create a layer tree like the one given in the below example*.

The example finely works when i implement the same on my own system it
doesn't work and I don't know much about the complexities of GeoEXT.

I am writing my code here below and the error that I get.

Here is the code for the Store:

var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.TreeStore', {

model: 'GeoExt.data.LayerTreeModel',

root: {

text: "Root",

expanded: true,

children: [


text: "Θεματικοί Χάρτες",

leaf: false,

expanded: true,

children: [


text: sppsq.name,

layer: sppsq,

leaf: true,

checked: false,

children: [],

nodeType: "gx_overlaylayercontainer"



text: elecag.name,

layer: elecag,

leaf: true,

checked: false,

children: [],

nodeType: "gx_overlaylayercontainer"





plugins: [{

ptype: 'gx_baselayercontainer',

loader: {store: mapPanel.layers} // BASE "REFERENCE" LAYERS FROM


expanded: true,

text: 'Υπόβαθρα'





Below is the code for tree:

var tree = Ext.create('GeoExt.tree.Panel', {

border: true,

region: "west",

title: "Επίπεδα",

width: 290,

split: true,

collapsible: true,

collapseMode: "mini",

autoScroll: true,

store: store,

rootVisible: false,

lines: false,

listeners: {

checkchange: {

fn: function (record, checked, opts) {







Error Got:

I get the following error in the console.
too much recursion
Line 1759

*Help Required:*
Any help will be appreciated as I am not an expert user of GeoEXT.
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