Hi all,

has anyone done something regarding a single file build or is this even
available somewhere?

Thanks in advance!

Am 17.05.19 um 12:34 schrieb Marc Jansen:
> Hi Seth,
> that might indeed make sense, at least to enable a very easy first step
> towards using GeoExt. IMO this can be adressed together with
> https://github.com/geoext/geoext3/issues/464, and we should verify that
> it is actually usable.
> Thanks,
> Marc
> On 17/05/2019 12:27, Seth G wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> There is a new quick start demo of GeoExt3 that will be part of the 
>> OSGeoLive 13 release this summer. 
>> OpenLayers has -dist version for 4.5.3 which can be used directly. Would it 
>> be possible to have a minified GeoExt.js file as part of the releases?
>> The current recommended approach is to clone the repo and then use classpath 
>> or Ext.Loader. 
>> For a developer new to GeoExt it would be simpler to have a simple JS script 
>> tag, even if for production a minified version should be used. 
>> Maybea similar approach to BasiGX be used for GeoExt? 
>> https://github.com/terrestris/BasiGX/pull/448
>> This has come up in an issue before at 
>> https://github.com/geoext/geoext3/issues/406
>> Seth
>> --
>> web:http://geographika.co.uk
>> twitter: @geographika
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