Le 12/03/11 11:06, Aleksey a écrit :


> When I try to turn on this feature, I have the following message:
> <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'module' object has no attribute 
> 'writeRegistryInfo', traceback follows
> /usr/lib64/libreoffice/basis-link/program/pyhtonloader.py:138 in function
> writeRegistryInfo() [return mod.writeRegistryInfo( self.ctx.ServiceManager, 
> regKey )]

This is the extension that is failing, possibly because it was written
with the old configuration registration system, which changed in the 3.3
development branch of OOo. To confirm this, you ought to see whether the
extension also fails to work with OOo 3.3.

I've always had problems with the EuroXXX extensions, they are not truly
multiplatform, or else they were programmed with only 1 or 2 OS
platforms in mind and failed to take account of certain specificities of
the scripting environments provided by OOo (and now LibO).


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