lör 2011-04-09 klockan 15:45 +0800 skrev Jet Ong:
> As far as I know, LibreOffice does not allow this feature. Thus, I will have
> to flip my figure in the Photo Viewer,
> save it and open it in Libreoffice. My figure will then become flipped in
> the LibreOffice page.
> The question now is how do I adjust my caption to remain just above the
> table?
> Thanks
> Jet

Unbelievable! That's one of the most common things to do with a picture,
isn't it? You can easily do it in Draw and then copy it into Writer, but
that's also an extra step.

I wonder why things behave differently in different pieces of the suite.
They talk about how great it is with object oriented programming and
that everything so easily can be made to behave the same way everywhere
and things like that. What happened to that? Seems like they tried to
invent the wheel at least twice here…

If Writer just inherited all Draw stuff, then they could drop Draw
completely, couldn't they? Just a thought… But I wouldn't know; I'm just
a guitar player, knowing absolutely nothing about anything else.

Best regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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