Hi, Steve,

Thanks for the info, please see below...

On 4/15/11 9:20 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 16/04/11 12:57, Ken Springer wrote:
On 4/15/11 3:43 PM, Sascha Vieweg wrote:

You can download the bundle of Latin Modern Fonts at:


There is a Wiki on DejaVu Fonts, here:


However, both font families were installed on my system, I guess, Latin
Modern through MacTeX and DejaVu through LibO.

A roadblock here...

The Latin-Modern fonts are Postscript, and I don't know how to handle
them on a Mac.  In my Windows days, it wouldn't be a problem.

Any idea how to deal with it to save me some time in Googling all over
the world?   :-)

The Deja-Vu is something else all together.  :-(

I've downloaded both the zip and tar.bz2 files, and get nowhere.
Attempting to open them just takes me in some kind of loop from one
compressed file format to another and back.  Even tried opening the
zip file in Windows using WinRAR, and it says the compressed file has
nothing in it.

Any thoughts?

I thought the Latin-Modern to select should be the OTF fonts. 72 of
them. These should install to the mac in one of 2 ways.

Two things, I didn't remember that OTF stood for Open Type Fonts, and I didn't know that OS X supported OTF and Postscript fonts. But I did know that System 9 could be used, so it was my assumption that Postscript was the format I needed to install. It's been over 10 years since I actively dealt with different font formats. I just went with whatever fonts were installed on my system.

I'll try those out tomorrow afternoon.

My interest in really digging into a particular OS to find out what can actually be done with an OS has been dormant for a number of years. I just wanted to turn the darn thing on and use it with no problems. But of late, I've burned a couple Linux Live CD's to see what that hullabaloo is all about, the the visual appearance of some of them have resparked that interest! :-) I like to actually use a computer, I really could care less about the programming and hardware end of the package.

I just downloaded *2.33/dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.33.zip
*from the link, unzipped it and the fonts were there*.

I found the problem, although I have no explanation as to why this happens. And... I've never had it happen before...

A lot of pages/links for downloading end up opening a blank tab in your browser when you left click on it. So, by habit at my end, I right click and select "Save Link As" so I don't end up with an "Untitled" and empty tab. And I end up with the screwed up zip file. I even tried it again after reading your post. FF 3.6.16, haven't taken the FF 4 plunge yet.

But... If I left click on the link, either yours or the one you can get to by following Sascha's link, the zip file downloads and extracts as it should.

I have *no* explanation as to why.


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