I just recently upgraded from OpenOffice 2.1 to LibreOffice, and
everything is going pretty well except for two UI issues which I can't
figure out how to fix. I've checked the Help and the FAQs but nothing
seems to cover it, so i thought i'd subscribe to the mailing list and
see if anyone can help.

The short version:

How do i change the background of the column and row headers to a single color?
How do i make grid lines show up in cells with a background color set?

The long version, what's wrong and why it's a problem for me:

First, the background for the row and column headers used to be a
single solid grey color. Now in LibreOffice the background is divided
in half. It's like a dark grey frame has been added to the entire
spreadsheet. The right half of each column header is a darker grey
than the left half, and the bottom half of each row header is the same
darker grey. (The extra box to the left of the row headers and above
the column headers is dark gray in the lower right corner, connecting
the "frame.")

This looks ugly to me compared to the old solid light grey
backgrounds, but more importantly it often makes it hard for me to
read the numbers in the column header with the divider for the two
background halves going right down the middle. Maybe it's just because
i've got poor eyesight but it's definitely detracting from the
usability of LibreOffice for me.

Second, it used to be that when i applied a background color to a
range of cells that the grid lines between the cells were still
visible. After upgrading all i see is a solid block of color with no
lines separating the cells. Not only does this hurt my eyes, it also
sometimes makes it difficult to tell exactly where each cell begins
and ends, and in larger blocks it can be hard to tell exactly which
row and column a particular piece of data is in. (And yes, the grid
lines are showing up just fine along cells with no background color so
it's not because i haven't checked the "Grid lines" option or anything
like that, and changing the grid line color doesn't make a difference,
nor does changing the color of the background.)

Between these two issues it makes it much harder for me to read my
spreadsheets in LibreOffice than it was in OpenOffice, and I'd really
like to know how to fix both issues.


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