On 05/28/2011 03:57 AM, t...@iafrica.com wrote:
Thanks Alex.... Appreciate your thoughts..

Does that mean I have to buy special support to correct bugs in a "released" 
version of LibO?

No we just report them and our developers work on the corrections. Hopefully those fixes are made in time for the next release of LibreOffice.

The support idea may be like having a person walking you though usage and features of LibreOffice or help you install it on a new computer. This is the type of support a company's internal tech people do. They do not work on fixing bugs in MS Office, do they?

Actually LO version 3.4 is coming out soon. This packages has fixed a number of issues that users have reported. Do not ask me what they are, since I do not have the memory for such things.

EVERY release of LibreOffice is free. Reporting bugs is free. Getting support here is free.
If then you might as well cut the hype about open system and charge licence 
fee's like MS....
at least then we might get an Impress that basically works.
Plse note that I was using a published feature of Impress not some weird 
functionality that I
would expect to pay for to resolve/develop.

It sucks.

Well, with a detailed report on what it is not doing correctly, there may either be a "fix" made for the next release, or one could be started.

I remember that I use to have to use an extension for MSO to make PowerPoint be stand alone on a CD for use with a system that does not have PP.

What do you mean by the "publish feature"? Make it a PDF document or print it in a finished way? Publish it for a web based use online? There are so many ideas of "publishing" I do not know what you mean. Sorry, but that is a fact for me and maybe others.

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