Tom Davies <> typed:
> ________________________________
> From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions
> <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, 26 May, 2011 2:15:32
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: upgrade path?
> On 05/25/2011 08:30 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> On 05/25/2011 03:21 PM, Cor Nouws wrote:
>>> Tom Davies wrote (25-05-11 23:53)
>>>> Lol.
>>> Lol too
>>> Release cycle of 6 months, does mean in our case
>>> approximately 6-7 releases a year.
>> ...
>> No. It means the "final" releases are (I suspect) in
>> sync with Ubuntu releases:
>> <quote>
>> Synchronizing our time based release schedule with the
>> wider Free Software ecosystem also has huge advantages,
>> by getting our new features, out to users as quickly as
>> possible - with a minimum of distribution cycle lag. In
>> consequence, we will aim at six monthly releases, and
>> over time nudge them to align well with the March /
>> September norms. </quote>
>> Seems to indicate that LO are bending over to
>> Ubuntu/<possibly other distro>  release schedules. Let's
>> see... Ubuntu releases are April (hence the LO March
>> time) and October (hence the LO September time)...
>> This was quite apparent with the LO 3.3.2 "release" in
>> sync with Ubuntu Natty 11.04 with considerable
>> breakage/bugs still in LO 3.3. Please tell me that I'm
>> wrong.
> well 3.4 is scheduled to be out around June 1st.  We are
> on RC2 right now.
> 3.3.0 was LO's first release version and it came out
> before OOo did and was better, plus a lot of legacy
> coding was fixed.  Every release has some of that old,
> unused, bad, or clunky coding repaired, replaced, etc.,
> so future edits would not be dependent on the old legacy
> stuff not messing up the new stuff. Sun and Oracle both
> had that problem.  LO's developers do not have the
> problem of "wasting" man-hours on fixing code that was
> not done properly in the first place.  Our developers
> both started cleaning up the legacy coding and put out a
> better product than Oracle did, plus beat them to the
> release date.  This is not our statements, but tech
> publication reviews and articles stating this.
> As for trying to have our releases timed with repository
> upgrading?  Well it may be something for the scheduling
> people to use for getting dates.  It does take time to
> get the release packages listed on the LibreOffice
> download sites to be "converted" for repository
> updating/upgrading cycles.  I do not know how much time
> it would take, but 3.3.0 came out in the beginning of the
> year, and then a few months later Ubuntu and others
> announced that they will add LibreOffice
> 3.3.x to their repositories and then drop OOo as their
> default installed office suite.
> As for "still having bugs"; well 99% of all software for
> the PC market has bugs in their release versions.  No one
> can find them all.  Some are found by accident due to
> weird interaction with specific data or actions created
> by a user.  We are no better, and hopefully no worse,
> than other software developers when it comes to bugs.  Of
> course, we do not charge you to buy our software and do
> its best to own up to any bugs found, unlike some
> companies that most of us know and hate.  Open Source
> software may seem to some as having more bugs than their
> paid alternatives, but the open source community are more
> open about these things and will not tell you that you
> are at fault and not their high priced software.  This
> openness also makes it easier to find the cause of the
> bug and get it fixed faster and better.
> As for fixed schedules for software releases????
> If the developers have version 3.4.4 list of work
> finished a month early, they could start the RC process
> early, and not wait.  So people could see a new
> version/update out quicker than schedules, or if problems
> arise even have it out later.  3.4 was originally due out
> mid May, but it will be late May or first thing in June.
> No big deal.  Of course we are not waiting for the Fall
> to introduce the 3.4 version and keeping the 3.3.x
> numbers going and going till then.
> That is my opinion - what is yours?

Hi Tom,

Well written, well worded and good reading article. Libre Office is indeed a 
valuable application by my own experience too and I'm quite happy to see it 
doing well. I'm especially happy to see that simple early-on bugs that were 
ignored in OOo were taken as tasks right away; For me it's one step closer 
to dropping MS Office completely. I expect that to happen in the upcoming 
release 4.

It's a great trip so far!



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