
On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 03:12 -0600, Tom Cloyd wrote:

> Well, nuts. You really know how to get to me. I love databases, and I'm 
> coming to love this one (after about 6 days of work with it), and its 
> manifestation in LO seems versatile, rock solid, and damn poorly 
> documented. Oh...that last on does NOT cause love.
> However, I love to document stuff (shouldn't say that, I know, but it's 
> true). So...yeah, I 'll join up. I'm seriously going to be working this 
> db hard, and I might as well help others when I can, as I really really 
> have had rather little trouble getting it to work for me.
> How did I find the answer? It wasn't any documentation, for sure. I just 
> kept coming at the problem until I got a new idea that actually worked.
> I just solved my other problem too (other thread) and will report on it 
> there...
> to sign up. This really is important - a fine db (which is what 
> HSQL truly) secretly hidden in LO. WooooHooo indeed.
> t.
> On 06/17/2011 02:58 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
> > WooooHoooo :)
> >
> > So, you have fixed your own problem!?  How did you find the answer?
> > Documentation or experimentation?
> >
> >
> > Do you have time to join the Documentation Team and perhaps help them for 
> > maybe
> > a few hours a week or something?  Base documentation needs a lot of work and
> > there are not many people that understand relational database programs.  
> > There
> > are various 3rd party documents in copy-left agreements that could be used 
> > or
> > reffered to to help.  If you don't have time right now then don't worry.  
> > There
> > are a couple of people already but help is always appreciated :)
> >
> > Congrats and regards from
> > Tom :)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Tom Cloyd<>
> > To:
> > Sent: Fri, 17 June, 2011 9:22:12
> > Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO base: text field problem in master-slave
> > form
> >
> > Just found the answer. I may be misleading myself at times due to [a] prior
> > experience of several years duration with MS Access, and [b] my being very 
> > new
> > to LO base.
> >
> > What doesn't work is to add text box control to a form and specify their 
> > data,
> > in their properties, as a field in the main table. Do that and you get the
> > problem I outlined below.
> >
> > What does work is, in design mode, to select the grid control, then click 
> > the
> > "add field" icon in the toolbar at page bottom, THEN select from this list
> > desired fields.
> >
> > NOW I have data showing up in ALL text boxes on the form. Lovely!
> >
> > Tom
> >
> > On 06/17/2011 01:06 AM, Tom Cloyd wrote:
> >> I'm new to LO base (I'm using the default HSQLDB), and having a pretty good
> >> time with it so far, but have run into something I don't understand, and 
> >> cannot
> >> find documentation about.
> >>
> >> I have a form with a main db displayed in a grid control. Linked to it is a
> >> detail db displayed in a subform. So far, so good.
> >>
> >> I want to pull out some fields from each db for display in text boxes.
> >>
> >> With the subform, this is a necessity, if I am to have full access to the 
> >> data
> >> in a memo field.
> >>
> >> With the main form, pulling out data into a text field (two of them, 
> >> actually)
> >> is more a matter of giving visual emphasis to the contents of the fields
> >> involved.
> >>
> >> So...two dbs, two forms, and I want data from each db shown in text boxes.
> >>
> >> The problem: When I specify the record data to be shown in one db's text 
> >> boxes,
> >> then do the same with the other, the settings in the first disappear. 
> >> Either,
> >> alone, work fine. When both are specified, only the last one I specify 
> >> "sticks"
> >> and actually shows up in the displayed form. The problem is entirely 
> >> consistent.
> >> After many tried to get things to work, the problem remains.
> >>
> >> This seems nuts to me, but it occurs to me that it may be a limitation of 
> >> LO or
> >> HSQLDB.
> >>
> >> Can anyone shed some light on my problem, or perhaps suggest a solution.
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance for any help you can give!
> >>
> >> Tom Cloyd
> >>
> >
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What documentation for Base is rebranded OOo documentation. We are in
the process of rebranding and editing this. Right now we have only a
couple people are even trying to work on Base. Any help from a database
expert (or more expert than those working on Base) is greatily

Jay Lozier

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