2011/7/31 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <and...@pitonyak.org>:
> I expect that you need to set this from the sheets draw page
> ' Gets the Shape of a Control( e. g. to reset the size or Position of the
> control
> ' Parameters:
> ' The 'oContainer' is the Document or a specific sheet of a Calc - Document
> ' 'CName' is the Name of the Control
> Function GetControlShape(oContainer as Object,CName as String)
> Dim i as integer
> Dim aShape as Object
>   For i = 0 to oContainer.DrawPage.Count-1
>      aShape = oContainer.DrawPage(i)
>      If HasUnoInterfaces(aShape, "com.sun.star.drawing.XControlShape") then
>         If ashape.Control.Name = CName then
>            GetControlShape = aShape
>            exit Function
>         End If
>      End If
>   Next
> End Function
> So, how do I call it?
> Sub gcs
>  Dim oSize
>  oSize = GetControlShape(ThisComponent.Sheets(0), "button1").Size
>  Print oSize.Height
>  Print oSize.Width
> End Sub
> In this example, I pass the sheet containing the button with the button name
> to the "GetControlShape" function. I forget the unit of measure. Hmm, oh
> yeas, 1" = oSize.Height / 2540
> But wait, your units metric. I think life just got easier for you :-), just
> set to 500 for 1/2 CM I believe.

So you mean that the size is measured in 10⁻⁵ m (1/100 000 m)? That's
kind of odd, isn't it? But on the other hand, odd doesn't necessarily
mean wrong…

So this is correct?
500 ⇨ ½ cm=5 mm (cm≠CM, by the way)
1000 ⇨ 1 cm
10 000 ⇨ 1 dm
100 000 ⇨ 1 m

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> On 07/30/2011 07:05 PM, Bill Gradwohl wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I've searched and can't figure out how to specify the height of a button
>> at execution time via a basic macro.
>> If "Sheet1" contains a button name "OK", how would I specify a button
>> height of 0.5cm?
>> The only examples I can find are for buttons on forms, not on a sheet
>> itself.
>> - -- Bill Gradwohl
>> Roatan, Honduras
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> --
> Andrew Pitonyak
> My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
> Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php
> --
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