
On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 07:07 +1200, Steve Edmonds wrote: 

> Hi.
> I have set up a form letter to merge data from a sheet into a form.
> This works well and I now want to send the files for another person to use.
> On the receiving end I found I had to add the data source again 
> (understandable) but also found I had to re-identify every field in the 
> document to link it to the sheet.
> Is there an easy way to do this.
> Is it a feature request to have the data source automatically 
> re-connected on opening the form if the data source was and still is in 
> the same directory as the form (although the absolute paths to both may 
> have changed).
> steve

On problem you might have with links is the different file location and
drive/folder names between the two computers. I ran into a similar
problem once years ago while working on mail merge documents in Windows
using MSO. If did the testing on one computer and moved the file to
another the drive mapping screwed up the references. It was a pain to
straighten out.

The short answer is this seems to a problem when files are moved between
users rather than the files/database residing on well defined server
locations. If you could put the files on a central server you would only
need to correct the problem once.

Please make feature request, I do not know if can be implemented but the
devs should know if it is possible.

Jay Lozier

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