On 08/03/2011 03:56 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
> Sub ExampleDatePart
>   Dim TheDate As Date
>   Dim f
>   Dim i As Integer
>   Dim s$
>   TheDate = Now
>   f = Array("yyyy", "q", "m", "y", "w", "ww", "d", "h", "n", "s")
>    s = "Now = " & TheDate & CHR$(10)
>   For i = LBound(f) To UBound(f)
>     s = s & "DatePart(" & f(i) & ", " & TheDate & ") = " & _
>              DatePart(f(i), TheDate) & CHR$(10)
>   Next
>   MsgBox s
> End Sub
hi andrew,

i like and use your book OOME. thanks.

your macro should normally work in any locale.

but, if you'd use a literal date instead of now it would be interpreted
differently under different locales: d/m/y, m/d/y, y-m-d etc.
TheDate = "2011-12-31 04:36:15" worked perfectly for me in hebrew and english
locales, with different default date formats.

best regards,

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