thanks.will try & let you know

On 6 August 2011 12:26, planas <> wrote:

> Hi
> On Sat, 2011-08-06 at 11:06 +0530, soumalya ray wrote:
> > hi,
> > i searched for this but since i am totally new to calc i could not even
> > understand what to search for.
> > i have calc sheet named "students demography" with the
> > name,age,gender,wt,height,BMI,sponsored candidate or not i need
> to
> > make tables for comparing the  data.say the row header contains *BMI >30
> &
> > BMI <30* and the column of the table contains *male & female*.
> > what is the way to have this output from the calc data?
> > @tomdavies i am attaching a proforma of the calc sheet and the expected
> > output.
> > any help will be highly appreciated.thanks in advance
> >
> >
> > --
> > Dr soumalya ray <>  <>
> > MBBS,MD(PGT)C.Medicine,Ex-HousePhysician(Medicine)
> > Skype: som3776 | Twitter: @docbkp <>
> >
> It sounds like you need to columns if statements to select the data
> needed.
> The if statement format is =if(condition=true,true
> statement/action,false statement/action). For example column d has the
> BMI data, a possible if statement is =if(d2>30,D2,""). The execution is
> to determine if the value in D2 is greater than 30, if true copy the
> value of D2 into the cell and if false enter nothing. The last is a
> method so you have a column of numbers and empty cells for functions
> like sum, average.
> If you need to reference a cell on another sheet you use this notation
> sheetname.cell or if you are referencing cell b3 on sheet3, sheet3.b3.
> and in the formula  =if(sheet3.b3>34,something,something else)
> If you leave the true action or more commonly the false action, the
> result in the cell will be TRUE or FALSE. Example, =if(b2>35,,a2+b2) and
> =if(b2<35,a2+b2). In the first example your answer is TRUE or a2+b2 and
> in the second is a2+b2 or FALSE. The TRUE and FALSE are Boolean values
> not characters, a common trait in spreadsheets and one that catch new
> users. If you want a text value you must use "true" and "false" (upper
> case if desired). Note also, in the second example the false clause was
> omitted but there must be a true clause.
> --
> Jay Lozier
> --
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Dr soumalya ray <>  <>
Skype: som3776 | Twitter: @docbkp <>

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